A pest control program is an ongoing process of tree health that includes inspection, monitoring, and testing to ensure the early detection of pests that could damage your trees and shrubs. Plant Health Care (PHC for short) is a larger approach to caring for the various trees & shrubs within your landscape. Our arborists can assess the needs of these plants and recommend treatments based on their needs and your goals.

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Plants and trees are true assets in any yard or environment, and so they need ongoing care and pest control. What follows is a list of pests and issues that can cause harm to trees and shrubs:

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Lack of Fertilization

In forests, trees enjoy nutrient-rich soil from decomposing leaves. This material acts as a natural mulch to regulate soil moisture and temperature. When we remove fallen leaves, twigs, and other debris from our yards, important nutrients can’t absorb back into our trees and shrubs. Pell Tree performs deep root fertilization treatments to increase root development and improve overall tree health.

Soil Compaction

Our lawns can take quite a beating from periods of significant rainfall, sometimes resulting in soil compaction. Other factors, such as lawn care equipment and heavy foot traffic can also contribute to this problem. Trees and plants can’t uptake necessary water and nutrients. Pell Tree provides a tree service known as “vertical mulching” to aerate the tree to its drip line and fill in with organic mix and fertilizer.

Mulch “Volcanoes”

Properly applied, organic mulches are very beneficial for trees. The trouble starts when the mulch is applied heavily and in constant contact with tree bark. Experts in tree service believe these “mulch volcanoes” are a true hazard to tree health. Pell Tree Company has a solution called Root Collar Excavation. Tree bark requires air and light in order to protect the trunk. A root collar excavation will bring much needed air and light to the bark of your tree, which will immediately remedy this problem.

Insects, Pests and Disease

Trees and shrubs are more susceptible to disease or pest and insect infestation when stressed. Our arborists perform pest control using a wide array of conditions such as tree scale, root rot, blight, mold, canker, and verticillium wilt, to name just a few. Our arborists can teach you about treating emerald ash borer and spotted lanternfly, which have plagued our local landscape for the past several years.