Getting rid of spotted lanternfly infestations has been nearly impossible for many Pennsylvania homeowners. Commonly called SLF, this pest is a continuous threat to the health and appearance of your landscape. The spotted lanternfly is so invasive they can cover trees and shrubs almost completely, leaving large amounts of their excrement behind. If you’ve noticed a sooty black mold on everything from your trees and shrubs to your outdoor furniture, you are seeing a SLF infestation.
As a result of this visibly distressing insect, many homeowners spend countless hours and dollars in their attempts to eliminate SLF. However, pest control of SLF requires the right timing and the right product. Pell Tree Company is here to help! First, learn more from Penn State, who leads the research in our area on Pennsylvania’s fight to eradicate this insect; PennState Extension (click here for full article text about the importance of professional intervention).
Have you tried to treat a spotted lanternfly infestation on your own? You aren’t alone but WE CAN HELP! Call Pell Tree Company for a free consultation with one of our PHC arborists. Our team is trained in the prevention and treatment of spotted lanternfly infestations using a proven treatment at the RIGHT time.
Ask for our Plant Health Care Coordinator for more information and treatment options for Spotted Lanternfly Infestation.
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