Our pest control experts are trained in the prevention and treatment of emerald ash borer infestations. Commonly called EAB, emerald ash borer is one of the most invasive pests of recent years.
The Bad News about EAB
Getting rid of EAB has proven nearly impossible for homeowners. EAB invades all species of ash trees, and some other species as well. This inspect bores into tree bark, laying eggs and causing death to your tree in as little as two years. While distressed trees are most susceptible, ALL ash trees are in danger. Early detection is critical to managing this invasive pest. Most infestations are several years old before they are detected. In fact, when homeowners notice canopy thinning or dieback, EAB has already caused considerable damage to the vascular system of your tree. This is often too late for pest control to be effective. Sadly, it is not uncommon to see entire neighborhoods ravaged by EAB.
** Healthy ash trees should be treated when EAB is known to be present within a 10 to 15 mile radius from your tree.
** If your tree has lost more than 50 percent of its canopy due to EAB infestation, treatments are unlikely to save the tree.
The Good News about EAB
The good news is there are proven treatments that successfully reduce or eliminate the EAB pest. Learn more about EAB at Penn State’s Extension site here. Before you decide to become a weekend-warrior-exterminator, consider this: treatment of these serious infestations is a scientific process that uses the right tools, timing and method. Home remedies don’t work! This is usually due to improper treatments or implementation at the wrong stage in the borer’s lifecycle, so consult with an arborist.
Pell Tree Company can help you identify and treat EAB. We will assess the extent of damage and suggest treatment options. Based solely upon examination of your tree’s health, we may recommend safe removaI of the dead or dying tree, if necessary.
Ask for our Plant Health Care Coordinator to request a consultation and treatment options for Emerald Ash Borer Beetle infestations.
References: https://extension.psu.edu/emerald-ash-borer-frequently-asked-questions
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